
Paul Slater
Front Bumper Upgrade - High Bridge 1st
After a small accident in a supermarket car park at the end of 2019 we had a superb excuse to upgrade the front bumper to something more meaty. Decisions, decisions...
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DIY Modifications
NOW AVAILABLE TO BUY In preparation for more camping this year I was thinking about improvements to the camping set up. One problem area that jumps out is the storage...
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3 Jimnys, 1 Duster
In a post on Instagram I mentioned that I needed more practice off-roading, as much of what I’ve been doing with the Jimny has only been camping. Mat from North...
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JimnyStyle Tail Lights
I’m actually not that keen on the design of Jimny from the rear (shock, horror!). The stock lights are a bit bland design wise and I noticed @JimnyStyle posted a...
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Woods camping
I love camping in the woods the sounds, smells and isolation is second to none. The Jimny can squeeze into tiny spaces between the trees, meaning you can get a...
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Ultralight Roof Top Tent
This guide is suggested equipment and the easy modifications anyone can do to have an ultralight Jimny roof tent build. From experience this is a good balance between roof load...
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New Comments

Paul @GeordieJimny
Geordie Jimny
Best comment on the blog! Would you like to write an even more detailed guest...
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Hi There! First, thank you for this blog. We have followed this for awhile and...
Paul @GeordieJimny
Geordie Jimny
Hi, I hear there’s something coming soon to help do that. Keep an eye on...
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hello Geordie, did you know how is it possible to lock the tailgate in open...
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Just got my jimny roof bars from front runner and yes they come with rubber...
Paul @GeordieJimny
Geordie Jimny
Glad you enjoyed it! Cheers Paul
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Love reading this, thanks for helping me with my new Jimny! ????