Frequently Asked Questions

Here’s answers to common questions I get, starting with the most popular one.

Why do I not use a lighter to start the fire?

Почему я не использую зажигалку, чтобы разжечь огонь?

It’s just for fun!

Это просто для удовольствия!

A popular comment this. I light fires the harder way because I enjoy it. Part of the fun of camping for me is practicing different methods of lighting a fire. I’m not a bushcraft expert or profess to be one. I always take lighters with me. I don’t use them. It’s no big deal as I’m not in a survival situation, I’m out camping to enjoy myself. You may think it’s weird and perhaps it is but going camping for me is about some quiet downtime on my own to get away from daily life.

It seems to strike a nerve with some guys. Not sure why 🙂

Популярный комментарий это. Я разжигаю огонь труднее, потому что мне это нравится. Частью удовольствия от кемпинга для меня является практика разведения костра. Я не эксперт по бушкрафту и не претендую на то, чтобы быть им. Я всегда беру с собой зажигалки. Я не использую их. Это не имеет большого значения, так как я не в ситуации выживания, я в походе, чтобы развлечься. Вы можете подумать, что это странно, и, возможно, это так и есть, но поход в поход для меня — это тихое времяпрепровождение в одиночестве, чтобы уйти от повседневной жизни.

Некоторым парням кажется, что это действует на нервы. Не уверен, почему 🙂

Why are you lighting a fire?

I’m camped on a commercial campsite with permission to light fires to cook food and for warmth in the colder months.

Making and maintaining a campfire is relaxing which is why I like to frequent the same woodland campsite in the UK which is one of the few places you can legally light campfires. I wish there were more accessible locations where you can responsibly light fires with sustainably sourced wood. You can’t forage wood in the woodland I camp at so I buy bags of wood from the farmers that own the woodland.

Please understand that these woodlands are private land, commercially ran by the farmers that allow people to enjoy a ‘back to nature’ camping experience. They have special access paths for vehicles on some of their campsite plots. Please do not randomly drive a 4×4 into nature and light fires in the UK as it’s not legal to do so.

Do you have links to the equipment you use?

Yes, everything I’ve ever used or bought for the Jimny and my camping kit is listed here.

I have changed my set up and the equipment I take many times as the goal is to take less and less gear each time I go camping while increasing the comfort and versatility of the set up. This means a lot of experimentation and retiring perfectly good equipment, but I pass things on to friends or donate them to charity shops (thrift stores).

Why are you alone?

I’m alone because I want to be. Sometimes my wife or a friend joins me but mostly it’s just me.

Why are you not talking?

I’ve nothing to say that’s worth saying.

I watch a lot of camping channels that are fantastic who offer people great advice on bushcraft, camping equipment etc. I’m not an expert on any of these matters and only occasionally go camping it’s unfortunately a hobby I don’t get to experience as much as I would like. Therefore, I don’t think it’s fair to offer any unqualified advice.

Secondly, creating videos with a running commentary of what I’m doing or random ramblings to me won’t add any value to the video. If anything it will detract from what I’m trying to create which is starting the relaxing experience I have when going camping. I agree it’s not to everyone’s liking and that’s fine. I may get more views, likes, subscriptions etc if I were to do what everyone else does but I am not driven by any of those metrics. It’s about time alone to relax and enjoy myself and I quite enjoy the process of making a video too.

The Jimny is small, how tall are you?

I’m 6 foot tall and the Jimny is big enough for our daily needs. The interior of the vehicle can be laid almost completely flat meaning on occasion I can sleep in the car itself. A really versatile option in bad weather.

Why do you add Japanese subtitles?

The Jimny is a Japanese car and I am an admirer of Japanese culture. I get a lot of viewers from Japan and inspired by Japanese camping and bushcraft youtubers.

Why do you not video off-roading content in the Jimny?

The Jimny is a tool for me to get to camp and enabling a simple, lightweight set up that offers high comfort. I don’t do any off-roading that is worth filming but I’d urge you to check out The Little Rig YouTube channel for the best new Jimny off-roading content.